Retry-based late race resolution mechanism for a computer...
Reuse of functional data buffers for pattern buffers in XDR...
Reuse of functional data buffers for pattern buffers in XDR...
Reuse of functional data buffers for pattern buffers in XDR...
Reverse directory for facilitating accesses involving a...
Reversing a communication path between storage devices
Reward based cache management
Rewritable ROM file device having read/write buffer access contr
Rewritable, nonvolatile memory, electronic device, method of...
Rewriting protection of a size varying first region of a reprogr
Rewriting system for rewriting a memory on a vehicle controller
Ring based multi-processing system
Ring interconnect with multiple coherence networks
Ring interconnect with multiple coherence networks
Ring-based memory requests in a shared memory multi-processor
Ring-buffer based buffering apparatus and method of using...
Robotic data storage library comprising a virtual port
Robotic data storage library comprising a virtual port
Robust interface for high speed memory access
Roll-back log to provide data consistency