Method and system for data movement in data storage systems...
Method and system for data transfer
Method and system for DMA optimization
Method and system for efficient access to remote I/O...
Method and system for memory address translation and pinning
Method and system for monitoring DMA status
Method and system for optimizing DMA channel selection
Method and system for performing DMA transfers using...
Method and system for programming a DMA controller in a...
Method and system for sharing a receive buffer RAM with a...
Method and system for sharing a receive buffer RAM with a...
Method apparatus and computer programming product for direct...
Method for avoiding data collision in half-duplex mode using...
Method for controlling data transfer unit having channel...
Method for delivering packet boundary or other metadata to...
Method for enhanced I/O in an emulated computing environment
Method for functionality downloading directly from a computer to
Method for handling small computer system interface (SCSI)...
Method for improving performance of a flash-based storage...
Method for managing multiple DMA queues by a single controller