Activating an operating system of a computer in response to...
Apparatus for transferring execution of certain channel...
Apparatus, method and system for reading/writing data, and...
ATA/SATA combined controller
Bi-directional data transfer using the video blanking period...
Buffer management method and system with data displayed...
Caching data for offline display and navigation of auxiliary...
Communication method for redirecting information to another port
Communication system and method, and distributed control...
Communication system, information processing device,...
Computer chip set having on board wireless interfaces to...
Control system for a system rendered secure through...
Control unit selectively connected with a first bus and a...
Data exchange methods for a switch which selectively forms a...
Data migration using parallel, distributed table driven I/O...
Data packet processing device
Data processing apparatus and method thereof
Data processor and data transfer method
Data relay apparatus for communication module
Data transfer apparatus having upper, lower, middle state...