Sarcoma 180 tumor inhibitor and method of making same
Serum-free and mitogen-free T-cell growth factor and process for
Silica gel method of reducing blood lipid concentration
Skin treatment composition and method for treating burned skin
Snake venom inhibitor
Solid sterilizing compositions
Solution for stabilizing red blood cells during storage
Sperm selection process using a salt of hyaluronic acid
SPF-100 and process for the preparation thereof
Stabilization of Factor VIII activity in whole blood or blood pl
Stabilization of granulocytes
Stabilized porcine growth hormone
Sterilized preserved, stable mucine-containing solutions
Storable prepackaged aqueous solutions of vancomycin
Storage of blood platelets
Storage of red blood cells
Storage of red blood cells
Strain of streptomyces, and relevant uses thereof
Streptomyces metabolite
Streptomycetal antibiotic