Chlorambucil derivatives and cell-discriminating agent containin
Cholanic acid ring based 4-(trifluoroacetyl)phenyl...
Cholesterol and hedgehog signaling
Cholesterol as an antibiotic for Streptococcus pneumoniae
Cholesterol lowering supplement
Ciclesonide contained pharmaceutical composition for...
Ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone suspension
Clear non-alcoholic hydrocortisone solutions
Coadministration of antigestagen and antiestrogen for gynecologi
Coating compositions for bioactive agents
Cobranin-F injection envenomation antidote
Combination compound for contraception based on natural estrogen
Combination contraceptive
Combination of a bronchodilator and a steroidal anti-inflammator
Combination of a bronchodilator and a steroidal anti-inflammator
Combination of cholecalciferol derivatives for the treatment of
Combination of dehydroepiandrosterone and aromatase...
Combination of derivatives of pyrimidine and of hydrocortisone f
Combination of drospirenone and an estrogen sulphamate for HRT
Combination of loteprednol and antihistamines