Adaptive filtering for use with data compression and signal reco
Adaptive lithographic critical dimension enhancement
Adaptive method and apparatus for transmission line analysis
Adaptive motion estimation apparatus and method
Adaptive pace estimation device and method
Adaptive performance data measurement and collections
Adaptive position sensing method and apparatus for...
Adaptive real-time analysis method for dynamic signals...
Adaptive self-linearization with separation filter
Adaptive servo motor retuning method and system
Adaptive state space signal separation, discrimination and...
Adaptive thermal-based frequency-bounds control
Adaptive vehicle control system with driving style...
Adjudication means in method and system for managing service...
Adjustable bandwidth filter for process variable transmitter
Adjusted monitoring in a relational environment
Adjusting voltage for a phase locked loop based on temperature
Advanced cable metrology system
Aerodynamic prediction using semiempirical prediction...
Aggregating sensor data