Light-emitting device, optical module, and fiber stub
Limited diffraction feedback laser system having a controlled di
Line narrowed laser with bidirection beam expansion
Line narrowed laser with spatial filter
Line narrowing device with double duty grating
Line narrowing module, light source of exposure apparatus...
Line narrowing module, light source of exposure apparatus...
Line narrowing unit with flexural grating mount
Line-narrowed dye laser
Line-narrowing optics module having improved mechanical...
Linear output coupler for a high power optical ring resonator
Locally-outcoupled cavity resonator having unidirectional...
Logic function generator using an optical transposition in a dis
Long term mode stabilization for distributed Bragg reflector las
Long wavelength laser diodes on metamorphic buffer modified...
Long wavelength light emitting vertical cavity surface emitting
Long wavelength VCSEL
Long wavelength VCSEL
Long wavelength VCSEL bottom mirror
Long wavelength vertical cavity surface emitting lasers