Radix 2 architecture and calibration technique for pipelined ana
Ratiometric A/D converter with non-rationometric error offset
Ratiometric analog to digital converter with automatic offset
Receiver capable of correcting mismatch of time-interleaved...
Receiver circuit
Receiver, digital-analog converter and tuning circuit
Reception circuit, method of creating AD converter...
Reduced chop rate analog to digital converter system and method
Reduced complexity nonlinear filters for analog-to-digital...
Reduced complexity nonlinear filters for analog-to-digital...
Reduced complexity nonlinear filters for analog-to-digital...
Reducing variation in reference voltage when the load varies...
Reduction of aperture distortion in parallel A/D converters
Reduction of digital-to-analog converter distortion using...
Reduction of mismatch errors for multibit oversampled data conve
Replica compensated heterogeneous DACs and methods
Robust data communications using multiple spectral images