Area-efficient, digital variable resistor with high resolution
Arrangement and method for producing a plurality of pulse width
Associative noise attenuation
Audio processor
Auto-calibrated current-mode digital-to-analog converter and met
Balanced digital-to-analog converter
Balanced dual resistor string digital to analog converter...
BiCMOS circuit for controlling a bipolar current source
Binary waveform shaping apparatus
Bipolar element averaging, digital-to-analog converter
Bipolar FSK digital waveform synthesizer for modem systems
Bit interpolation in a resistor string data converter
Bit-adjacency capacitor-switched DAC, method, driver and...
Bit-adjacency capacitor-switched DAC, method, driver and...
Built-in self test for integrated digital-to-analog converters
Calibrated line driver with digital-to-analog converter
Canceling feedback resister loading effect in a shunt-shunt...
Capacitance type digital/analog converter capable of...
Capacitive digital to analog and analog to digital converters
Capacitive digital to analog and analog to digital converters