Proteinaceous gels having visualization agents and methods...
Proteinaceous substance showing antitumorous action and its prep
Proteinase inhibitor ZSERP9
Proteins active in lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity
Proteins and methods for producing the proteins
Proteins and the preparation thereof
Proteins associated with apoptosis
Proteins capable of regulating NF-.kappa.B, JNK and apoptosis pa
Proteins catalyzing the extension of plant cell walls
Proteins catalyzing the extension of plant cell walls
Proteins closely related to opioid receptors
Proteins comprising calmodulin- and actin-binding human caldesmo
Proteins for control of nematodes in plants
Proteins from yeast host strains with defects in N-glycosylation
Proteins having a TNF action comprising TNF-fibromectin fusion p
Proteins having effects of controlling cell migration and...
Proteins having glucose transporter activity
Proteins having growth hormone anabolic properties with reduced
Proteins having insecticidal activities and method of use
Proteins involved in the regulation of cell—cell...