Synthesis of ascorbic acid from lactose
Synthesis of B-keto esters
Synthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics with immobilized...
Synthesis of catechol from biomass-derived carbon sources
Synthesis of chemical tags
Synthesis of chemical tags
Synthesis of chiral N-protected-.alpha.-substituted-glycine free
Synthesis of combinatorial libraries
Synthesis of compounds and libraries of compounds
Synthesis of cross-links in the helical domain of collagen using
Synthesis of DNA
Synthesis of estrogen-purine base and estrogen-mercapturate addu
Synthesis of fatty alcohol esters of alpha-hydroxy...
Synthesis of fluorophore-labeled DNA
Synthesis of full-length, double-stranded DNA from a single-stra
Synthesis of full-length, double-stranded DNA from a single-stra
Synthesis of functional human hemoglobin and other proteins in e
Synthesis of homochiral 2-hydroxy acids
Synthesis of human procollagens and collagens in recombinant DNA
Synthesis of human procollagens and collagens in recombinant DNA