System and process for anaerobic digestion
System for assaying binding to a heparin-binding growth factor r
System for biotin synthesis
System for comparing levels or amounts of mRNAs
System for detecting nucleic acid hybridization, preparation...
System for expression of genes in plants
System for generating recombinant viruses
System for in vitro transposition
System for protein expression and secretion especially in coryne
System for rapid generation of recombinant baculovirus-based...
System for real time detection of nucleic acid amplification pro
System for the sequential, directional cloning of multiple...
System useful for the production of proteins from recombinant DN
System useful for the production of proteins from recombinant DN
Systematic polypeptide evolution by reverse translation
Systems and methods for fluorescence detection with a...
Systems and methods for nanowire growth and harvesting
Systems and processes for cellulosic ethanol production
Systems for expression of heterologous proteins in M....
Systems for the expression of orthogonal translation...