Process for producing physiololgically active substance by multi
Process for the preparation of amine-oxidase containing material
Process for the preparation of gallic acid by co-culture
Process for the preparation of gamma-irone
Process for the preparation of L-amino acids and amino acid amid
Process for the preparation of novel growth media from...
Process for the production of ethanol from algae
Process for the production of lignolytic enzymes by means of whi
Process for the production of nutritional products with...
Regeneration of scrubber effluent containing sulfate radicals
Salt-tolerant microbial xanthanase and method of producing same
Starch liquefaction with alpha amylase mixtures
Strains of Acinetobacter species (bicoccum), Arthrobacter specie
Thermacetogenium phaeum consortium for the production of...
Tissue culture of lichens
Use of selection pressures to enable microbial biosynthesis...
Useful for cleavage of organic C-S bonds Bacillus sphaericus mic