Products and methods for reducing dye artifacts
Products containing a dextran composition obtained from...
Programmed sequential mutagenesis
Prokaryotic DNA repair ligases
Promoter and construct for plant transformation
Promoter gene, recombinant turkey herpesvirus having the...
Promotor controlled specific amplification of nucleic acid seque
Propargyl substituted nucleoside compounds and methods
Propargylethoxyamino nucleotide primer extensions
Propionibacteruim vector
Protectants for microbial fermentation
Protein that enhances expression of potassium channels on...
Proteins capable of regulating NF-&kgr;B JNK and apoptosis...
Pseudo-aminosugars, their production and use
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its use in a process for the biotechn
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Pullulanase, microorganisms which produce it, processes for the
Purification of nucleotide sequences suitable for expression in
Purification of Q Beta replicase
Purification of synthetic oligomers