Use of an extraction control in a method of extracting...
Use of an IL-6 assay for predicting the development of post-trau
Use of an IL-6 assay for predicting the development of post-trau
Use of an in vitro hemodynamic endothelial/smooth muscle...
Use of an osmolyte for reducing or abolishing no-covalent intera
Use of aniline derivates as coupling components in oxidative col
Use of anti-capsule agents in microbiological testing
Use of anti-embryonic epsilon hemoglobin antibodies to identify
Use of anti-embryonic hemoglobin antibodies to identify fetal ce
Use of antibodies against specific MHC-peptide complexes
Use of antibodies against specific MHC-peptide complexes
Use of antibody from lymphocyte secretions to diagnose...
Use of antisense oligomers in a process for controlling contamin
Use of arsenite to reversibly block steroid binding to glucocort
Use of azetidinone compounds
Use of azetidinone compounds
Use of azetidinone compounds
Use of B-type natriuretic peptide as a prognostic indicator...
Use of bacteriophages for control of escherichia coli O157
Use of beads to improve nucleotide hybridization assays