Recombinant proteins of a Pakistani strain of hepatitis E...
Recombinant proteins of a Pakistani strain of hepatitis E...
Recombinant tryptophan mutants of influenza
Recombinant varicella-zoster virus and process for constructing
Recombinant viruses displaying a nonviral polypeptide on their e
Recombinant viruses displaying a nonviral polypeptide on...
Recombinase-mediated generation of adenoviral vectors
Recovery of cytomegalovirus antigen and use thereof in an assay
Reduction of concomitant infections in pigs by the use of...
Reduction of false positives in oral-fluid based immunoassays
Regressive behavioral disorder diagnosis
Replication competent hepatitis C virus and methods of use
Replication of hepatitis C virus in non-hepatic epithelial...
Reporter cell line system for detecting cytomegalovirus and iden
Reporter gene system for use in cell-based assessment of...
Restriction enzyme screen for differentiating porcine reproducti
Retentate chromatography—profiling with biospecific...
Retroviral polypeptides associated with human cellular transform
Retrovirus associated with myelodysplastic syndromes and...
Retrovirus capable of causing AIDS, means and methods for...