Fluid handling methods for use in mesoscale analytical devices
Fluorescence energy transfer and intramolecular energy transfer
Fluorescence polarization assay for determining histidine...
Fluorescence polarization assays of enzymes and substrates there
Fluorescence polarization method at multiple wavelengths
Fluorescence polarization-based homogeneous assay for...
Fluorescence polarization-based homogenous assay for aflatoxins
Fluorescence-based high throughput screening assays for...
Fluorescence-based high throughput screening assays for...
Fluorescence-based high throughput sereening assays for...
Fluorescent amyloid A&bgr; peptides and uses thereof
Fluorescent capture assay for kinase activity employing an...
Fluorescent capture assay for kinase activity employing...
Fluorescent detection method based on enzyme activated conversio
Fluorescent determination of microlymphocytotoxicity
Fluorescent dyes
Fluorescent intensity method for assaying binding between...
Fluorescent lipid polymer-macromolecular ligand compositions as
Fluorescent microbead quenching assay
Fluorescent phospholipase assay, phospholipase A2 inhibitor...