Method and apparatus for sorting particles
Method and apparatus to grow and mechanically condition cell...
Method and carrier for culturing multi-layer tissue in vitro
Method and composition for an early vaccine to protect...
Method and composition for skin grafts
Method and compositions for isolation and growth of kidney...
Method and compositions for obtaining mature dendritic cells
Method and construct for screening for inhibitors of transcripti
Method and device for growing and/or treating cells
Method and device for identifying substances capable of...
Method and device for identifying substances capable of...
Method and formulation for lyophilizing cultured human cells to
Method and formulation for lyophilizing cultured human cells...
Method and formulation for lyophilizing cultured human cells...
Method and materials for efficiency protein immobilization on ti
Method and means for site directed therapy
Method and means for site directed therapy
Method and media for enhancing cryopreservation of cells
Method and media for enhancing viability maturation, and cryopre
Method and medium for in vitro culture of human embryos