Detection of bound analyte by magnetic partitioning and masking
Detection of cell membrane antigens and corresponding antibodies
Detection of collagen degradation in vivo
Detection of colorectal carcinoma
Detection of enhanced multiplex signals by surface enhanced...
Detection of low level hydrophobic analytes in environmental sam
Detection of patients at risk for developing integrin...
Detection of target species in a sample or liquid flow using dio
Detection system using liposomes and signal modification
Detergent-facilitated immunoassay for the rapid and quantitative
Determination and detection of antibody and its immunoglobulin c
Determination of ambient concentation of several analytes
Determination of ambient concentrations of several analytes
Determination of analyte concentration based on a micellar recog
Determination of concentration by affinity titration
Determination of free thyroid hormones by competitive immunoassa
Determination of glycated hemoglobin by fluorescence quenching
Determination of haptens
Determination of polymerization/coagulation in a fluid
Determination of protecting anti-HBV immunoglobulins