Temperature-measuring microwave radiometer apparatus
Template for ensuring accurate patient positioning for upright X
Test body and element for a scanning image reconstructing appara
Test method
Test phantom and method of use of same
Test-sensor production monitoring using XRF spectrometry
Therapeutic bed of radiotherapeutic system
Therapeutic radiation source with in situ radiation...
Therapeutic radiation source with increased cathode efficiency
Therapy apparatus with a radiation source
Therapy simulator
Therapy x-ray scanner
Thermal emissive coating for x-ray targets
Thermal emissive coating for x-ray targets
Thermal emittance coating for x-ray tube target
Thermal energy storage and transfer assembly
Thermal energy transfer device and x-ray tubes and x-ray...
Thermal filter for an x-ray tube window
Thermal generator assembly, X-ray imaging system, and X-ray...
Thermal sensing detector cell for a computed tomography...