Failure detection circuit for an X-ray tube
Fan and pencil beams from a common source for x-ray inspection
Fan beam computed tomography apparatus
Fan beam CT scanner with compensating detector motion
Fan control circuit for X-ray tube device
Fan-beam and cone-beam image reconstruction using filtered...
Fan-beam coherent-scatter computer tomography
Fast and efficient multiprocessor implementation for exact for a
Fast backprojection/reprojection with hexagonal segmentation...
Fast cone beam image reconstruction using a detector weight list
Fast hierarchical backprojection for 3D Radon transform
Fast hierarchical backprojection method for imaging
Fast reconstruction of fan-beam CT and SPECT
Fast reconstruction with uniform noise properties in...
Fast switching circuit for x-ray imaging applications
Fastening combination having special utility in affixing an X-ra
Fault detection and recovery device used in a radiation imaging
FDXD detector with dose sensing
Fet switching method and apparatus for multi-slice CT detector
Fiber bundles for x-ray imaging