Half-scan algorithm for use with a high speed multi-row fan...
Hand and finger X-ray positioning device
Hand held high power pulsed precision x-ray source
Hand held precision X-ray source
Hand tool for holding a dental xeroradiographic cassette
Hand-held contraband detector
Hand-held XRF analyzer
Handle for digital radiography panel
Handlebars for computerized tomography scanner
Handling support for X-ray spectroscopic analysis
Hard x-ray magnification apparatus and method with submicrometer
Hard x-ray polycapillary telescope
Head activated fluoroscopic control
Head activated fluoroscopic control
Head positioner for CAT scans
Head positioning apparatus and method for cephalometric imaging
Heat dissipation means for X-ray generating tubes
Heat pipe anode for x-ray generator
Heat pipe assisted cooling of rotating anode x-ray tubes
Heat pipe assisted cooling of x-ray windows in x-ray tubes