N-dimensional data encoding of projected or reflected data
Nautical X-ray inspection system
Near-video-on-demand digital video distribution system utilizing
Neural network based multi-criteria optimization image...
Neutron and gamma-ray moisture assay
Nitrogen detector and method of detecting
Noise reduction in dual-energy X-ray imaging
Non-collocated imaging and treatment in image-guided...
Non-contact volume measurement
Non-contacting rotary joint with clock modulation
Non-destructive inspection apparatus and inspection system using
Non-destructive inspection apparatus and inspection system using
Non-destructive inspection apparatus and inspection system...
Non-destructive inspection of material in container
Non-destructive process for continuously measuring the...
Non-destructive testing apparatus and process with simultaneous
Non-destructive testing of fiber reinforced structural materials
Non-destructive X-ray inspection apparatus for food industry
Non-destructive x-ray inspection apparatus for liquid foodstuffs
Non-diagnostic stereoscopic x-ray tracking of moving objects...