Signal transmission structure, circuit board and connector...
Simplified flangeless unisex waveguide coupler assembly
Simplified slotless contacts for coaxial line connectors
Slot transmission line patch connector
Slotline-to-slotline mounted flip chip
Small-sized cylindrical waveguide bend having low reflection...
Solderless circuit interconnect having a spring contact...
Solderless, pushdown connectors for RF and DC
Spring hanger system for UHF circular waveguide having glide rin
Stabilized chromium oxide film
Stacked radio-frequency module
Strip-line for propagating microwave energy
Stripline circuit
Structural augmentation for flexible connector
Structure for making microwave circuits and components
Substrate structure for photonic assemblies and the like...
Superconducting radiofrequency window assembly
Support assembly for cryogenically coolable low-noise choked wav
Surface mount microcircuit hybrid
Surface mountable microwave filter configuration and method...