Use of fugitive plasticizer in autodepositing composition
Use of metal salts of thiosulphuric-S-esters as rubber/metal bon
Use of MoO 3 as corrosion inhibitor, and coating...
Use of S-119 in lithographic fountain solutions
Use of vinylamine homopolymers and copolymers in film lamination
Utilization of flexible coating on steel to impart superior scra
Utilization of flexible coating on steel to impart superior scra
UV coatings containing chlorinated polyolefins, method of curing
UV curable coatings containing oxalanilide stabilizers, method o
UV-Light-sensitive sheet for graphic applications
Vacuum brazing sheet for use in aluminum heat exchanger
Vanadium-free, lithium-free, aluminum alloy suitable for sheet a
Vapor deposited film by plasma CVD method
Vapor deposition of metal compound coating utilizing metal sub-h
Vehicle coating process
Vessel lid comprising laminated material
Vibration damping sheet
Vibration-damping composite metal plate
Vibration-damping composite sheet steel
Vibration-damping material