P-I-N Diode detector of ionizing radiation with electric field s
p-MOSFET total dose dosimeter
Package and support structure for radiation detector
Package for an opto-electronic component
Package for films
Package for optical devices including optical fiber-to-metal her
Package for optical element
Package for photoactivated semiconductor device
Package for solid state imager with heating means to repair imag
Package for the shipment of dangerous materials
Package height detector having a first group of light sensors se
Package inspecting apparatus
Packaged electronic part having mounting leg
Packaged fiber optic modules
Packaged microelectronic imagers and methods of packaging...
Packaged semiconductor device with high energy radiation absorbe
Packaging for optoelectronic devices
Packaging for the transport/storage of radioactive material
Packaging machine for cigarettes with shaft wall mounted sensors
Packaging structure for imaging detectors