Near-field optical inspection apparatus
Near-field optical microscope
Near-field optical microscope for angle resolved measurements
Near-field optical microscopic examination of genetic material
Near-field optical probe
Near-field optical probe
Near-field optical probe
Near-field optical probe having cantilever and probe formed...
Near-field scanning microwave microscope having a transmission l
Near-field scanning optical microscope
Near-field scanning optical microscope
Near-field scanning optical microscope for laser machining...
Near-field scanning optical microscope probe exhibiting resonant
Near-field scanning optical microscope with a high Q-factor...
Near-field spectrometer having background spectral information
Near-field terahertz imaging
Near-infrared apparatus and method for determining percent fat i
Near-infrared measurement and control of polyamide processes
Near-infrared reflectance spectrometer system and related sample
Near-visible light detection method and apparatus