High speed loading of output register of CCD array system
High speed microscope with three-dimensional laser beam...
High speed optical matrix multiplier system
High speed optically controlled sampling system
High speed scanning platform for microarray scanner
High stability fiber optic magnetic field sensor with enhanced l
High temperature fiber optic microphone having a pressure-sensin
High throughput multi beam detection system and method
High throughput multi beam detection system and method
High throughput nep measurement
High-accuracy position comparator using 2 dimensional grating
High-efficiency multiple probe imaging system
High-intensity opto-electronic sensor having low power consumpti
High-reflectance paint for high-intensity optical applications
High-resolution light microscope using coherent light reflected
High-temperature optical rotary and linear position sensor
Higher-order mode fiber optics T-coupler
Highly diffuse reflector
Highly efficient collection optical systems for providing light
Highly sensitive image sensor providing continuous magnification