Implantable self expanding prosthetic device
Implantable self expanding prosthetic device
Implantable stents having a plurality of varying...
Implantable stroke preventing device
Implantable temporary flow restrictor device
Implantable tubular prosthesis
Implantable tubular prosthesis
Implantable tubular prosthesis
Implantable tubular prosthesis having integral cuffs
Implantable vascular device
Implantable, bioresorbable vessel wall support, in...
Implantable, self-expanding prosthetic device
Implanting stent
Implanting stent and dilating device
Implants possessing a surface of endothelial cells genetically-m
In situ formed fenestrated stent
Inclined stent pattern for vulnerable plaque
Increased drug-loading and reduced stress drug delivery device
Indwelling stent and living organ dilator
Infection-resistant compositions, medical devices and surfaces a