Nanodevices, microdevices and sensors on in-vivo structures...
Napped fluororesin materials having continuous pores, and a meth
Natural tissue stent
Neurovascular stent and method
Nitric oxide-releasing medical devices
Nitric oxide-releasing medical devices
Non-foreshortening intraluminal prosthesis
Non-foreshortening intraluminal prosthesis
Non-foreshortening intraluminal prosthesis
Non-foreshortening intraluminal prosthesis
Non-invasive heating of implanted vascular treatment device
Non-migrating vascular prosthesis and minimally invasive placeme
Non-migrating vascular prosthesis and minimally invasive placeme
Non-migrating vascular prosthesis and minimally invasive placeme
Non-migrating vascular prosthesis and minimally invasive placeme
Non-porous coated PTFE graft
Non-shortening helical stent
Non-thromogenic vascular prosthesis
Non-woven endoprosthesis
Non-woven endoprosthesis