Bulkhead rupture disc for solid propellant missiles
Burning nitrous oxide and a fuel
By-pass gas turbine engines
By-pass jet engine with centrifugal flow compressor
Bypass air valve for a gas turbine
Bypass air valve for a gas turbine engine
Bypass air valve for turbofan engine
Bypass conduit for gas turbine engine
Bypass duct boss repair technology
Bypass duct fluid cooler
Bypass duct fluid cooler
Bypass duct for a hypersonic propulsion system
Bypass engine with means for limiting gas leakage
Bypass gas turbine aeroengines and exhaust mixers therefor
Bypass gas turbine fan employing a stub rotor stage and a main r
Bypass jet engine with confluent nozzle, rotating members which
Bypass turbojet-engine cowling comprising an electrically...
Bypass turbomachine with artificial variation of its throat...
Bypass valve door
Bypass valve system