Cantilevered tip turbine engine
Carbon and silicone polymer ablative liner material
Carbon-carbon grid elements for ion thruster ion optics
Cascade assembly for use in a thrust-reversing mechanism
Cascade reverser without blocker doors
Cascade structure arrangement for a gas turbine engine
Cascade type thrust reverser for fan jet engines
Cascade-type reversers for jet engines
Cascade-type thrust reverser
Cascadeless fan thrust reverser with plume control
Case burning rocket
Case burning rocket with drive system for combustion chamber...
Case deflection control in aircraft gas turbine engines
Caseless rocket design
Casing construction on a gas turbine jet engine
Catalytic decomposition of hydroxylammonium nitrate-based monopr
Cavitating venturi for low reynolds number flows
Cavitation compensating propeller nozzle or duct
Central body of a turbojet nozzle
Centrifugal direct injection engine