Ablation patterning of multi-layered structures
Algorithm for enhancing the lifetime of critical components...
Altering the surfaces of functional absorbent materials for use
Apparatus and method of laminate molding using releaser
Apparatus and process for laser preweakening an automotive...
Apparatus and process for laser preweakening an automotive...
Apparatus for making nonwoven fabrics having raised portions
Bristles of an applicator produced in a laser milled mold
Carbon fibre panels with laser formed holes
Device and process for shaping workpieces with laser diode...
Fabrication of a polymeric prosthetic implant
Fusion bonding of cathether components
Gage thickness measurement by use of inductive sensors
Hematite engraving
Inscription of moldings
Invisible laser weakening in composite material
Laser ablation method for patterning a thin film layer
Laser ablation of multiple layers
Laser beam machining method
Laser drilling