Ring oscillator with random noise cancellation
Ring oscillator with two inverters per unit inverter circuit
Ring oscillator with ultra-wide frequency tuning range
Ring oscillator with variable loading
Ring oscillators
Ring oscillators having inverting and delay elements
Ring oscillators with improved signal-path matching for...
Ring resonator oscillator usable in frequency synthesizers and c
Ring topology based voltage controlled oscillator
Ring VCO based on RC timing
Ring-based multi-push voltage-controlled oscillator
Ring-type voltage oscillator with improved duty cycle
Ring-type voltage-controlled oscillator having a sub-frequency b
Ringing oscillator including a resonant circuit with frequency d
Robust clock circuit architecture
Robust false locking prevention in referenceless frequency...
Robust fractional clock-based pulse generator for digital...
Robust phase-lock detector
Roving range control to limit receive PLL frequency of operation
RTC circuit with time value adjustment