AC Generator system having stabilized sensitivity for sensing th
AC loop gain and DC prepositioning adjustment for phase locked l
Accelerated warm-up crystal oven
Acceleration insensitive oscillator
Accumulating cavity microwave oscillator
Accurate integrated oscillator circuit
Accurate RC oscillator having modified threshold voltages
Accurate RC oscillator having peak - to - peak voltage control
Accurate single pin MOS RC oscillator
Acoustic charge transport selectable delay line and delay line o
Acoustic-optic coherent modulator and detection system
Acousto-optic device
Acousto-optic modulated laser
Acousto-optic Q-switch
Acousto-optical deflector tuned organic dye laser
Acousto-optically Q-switched laser with modulated output
Acousto-optically tuned laser
Acoustooptic mode-locker frequency doubler
Acoustooptic modulator for optical fiber waveguides
Acquisition process in a phase-locked-loop by gated means