Root specific gene promoter
Root-specific conifer gene promoter and its use
Root-specific promoter
Roselipin derivative
Route to glycals in the allal and gulal series
Route to glycals in the allal and gulal series
RP compositions and therapeutic and diagnostic uses therefor
RPS gene family, primers, probes, and detection methods
RPS gene family, primers, probes, and detection methods
RRNA specific oligonucleotides
RTBV plant promoter and process thereof
Rubisco promoters and uses thereof
Rubisco small subunit promotes from Brassica rapa and uses...
Ruthenium catalysts and their use in the asymmetric hydrogenatio
Ruthenium-lumazine energy transfer systems
Rutin poly(H--)sulfate salts and related compounds
RVP-1 variant differentially expressed in Crohn's disease
Ryegrass CBF3 gene: identification and isolation
Ryegrass CBF3 gene: identification and isolation
Ryegrass pollen allergen