Monensin urethane derivatives
Monitoring amplification with fret probes
Monitoring toxicological responses
Monkey herpes B virus genes
Mono-and di-derivatives of cyclodextrins, synthesis thereof...
Monoclonal antibodies
Monoclonal antibody to CEA, conjugates comprising said...
Monocotyledon plant cells and plants which synthesise...
Monocotyledon plant cells and plants which synthesize...
Monocyclic L-Nucleosides, analogs and uses thereof
Monoesters of glycosides and a process for enzymatic preparation
Monomeric and dimeric fluorescent protein variants and...
Monomeric and dimeric fluorescent protein variants and...
Monomeric and dimeric nucleosides with silyl-containing diamino
Monomeric building blocks for labeling peptide nucleic acids
Monomeric red fluorescent proteins
Monomers for preparation of oligonucleotides having chiral phosp
Monomers for solid phase synthesis of oligonucleotides using...
Monomethoxytrityl protected oligonucleotides bound to a solid su
Monosaccharides and products resulting therefrom