Microscope for quantitative determination of substance in specim
Microscope photometer tube
Microscopic photometry apparatus
Microstructured optical device for remote chemical sensing
Microtiter plate reader
Miniature gas cell with folded optics
Miniature multiple wavelength excitation and emission...
Misalignment detection apparatus for transmissiometer with under
Modified optical transmission technique for characterizing epita
Modulated reflectance measurement system with fiber laser...
Modulation cancellation method in laser spectroscopy
Monitoring dust deposition
Monitoring of fluid contamination level wherein the light energy
Motility scanner and method
Motility scanner and method
Multi-function diamond film fiberoptic probe and measuring syste
Multi-pass optical cell species concentration measurement system
Multi-path flow cell correction
Multi-purpose optical head probe
Multi-way LED-based surface reflectance sensor and...