Laser indication light configuration
Laser interrogation of surface agents
Laser microscope
Laser microscope with a physically separating beam splitter
Laser Raman microprobe
Laser Raman spectrophotometry system and adjustment thereof
Laser tweezers and Raman spectroscopy systems and methods...
Light-amplifying structures and methods for surface-enhanced...
Locally enhanced raman spectroscopy with an atomic force...
Low aberration diffraction grating system
Low noise Raman analyzer system
Material-testing method and apparatus
Measuring method and measuring apparatus by light scattering
Metal coated nanocrystalline silicon as an active surface...
Metal coated nanocrystalline silicon as an active surface...
Metal nano-void photonic crystal for enhanced raman...
Method and apparatus for a tunable diode laser spectrometer...
Method and apparatus for alignment of multiple beam paths in...
Method and apparatus for analysis of chemical constituents...
Method and apparatus for automated spectral calibration