Grating-based optical probe
Handheld thermo-electrically cooled surface-enhanced Raman...
Heterodyne detection of coherent Raman signals
High contrast tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
High-speed, rugged, time-resolved, raman spectrometer for...
Highly compact design for raman spectrometry
Highly efficient surface enhanced Raman and fluorescence...
Holographic Lippmann-Bragg filter in a spectroscopic system
Hydrocarbon analysis and control by raman spectroscopy
Hydrocarbon analysis based on low resolution raman spectral anal
Identification of material inclusions in pulp and paper...
In situ excitation for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
In-line process monitoring using micro-raman spectroscopy
Integrated radiation sources and amplifying structures, and...
Integrated system and method for transversal enhanced Raman...
Integrated tunable optical sensor (ITOS) system
Large-collection-area optical probe
Laser curing apparatus with real-time monitoring and control
Laser diode system for Raman spectroscopy
Laser enhanced ionization detector for Raman spectroscopy