Method for the preparation of optical waveguide devices and...
Method of fabricating optical nonlinear thin film waveguide...
Method of fabricating polymer optical channel waveguides...
Method of making a functional device with deposited layers...
Method of making a symmetrical optical waveguide
Method of manufacturing an optical waveguide by switching a d.c.
Method of processing a substrate made of a ferroelectric...
Method of producing polymer optical waveguide
Method of producing polymer optical waveguide
Method to realize fast silicon-on-insulator (SOI) optical...
Methods for forming separately optimized waveguide...
Methods of forming polycrystalline semiconductor waveguides for
Microfabricated bragg waveguide
Microphotonic waveguide including core/cladding interface layer
Microstrip line
Mode insensitive waveguide device
Molded optical waveguide with contacts utilizing leadframes and
Molded waveguide and method for making same
Molded waveguide and method for making same
Multi-layer structure and method for manufacturing the same