Tailored index single mode optical amplifiers and devices...
Techniques for attaching rotated photonic devices to an...
Techniques for forming optical electronic integrated circuits ha
Temperature compensated integrated planar bragg grating, and...
Temperature-controlled flexible optical circuit for use in...
Terminal for a frequency divided, optical communication system
Testing of optical transmitter and receiver modules
Thermal control of optical components
Thermally isolated silicon layer
Thermally isolating optical devices
Thermo-electric signal coupler
Thermo-optic devices providing thermal recirculation
Thermo-optic devices providing thermal recirculation
Thermo-optic devices providing thermal recirculation
Three-dimensional die stacks with inter-device and...
Three-dimensional optical waveguide, method of manufacturing...
Three-dimensional opto-electric integrated circuit using optical
Three-dimensional opto-electronic modules with electrical...
Through silicon modulator and method using polarized light
TO-can type optical module