Computer-based multifunction personal communications system
Computer-based multifunction personal communications system
Computer-based telephone call conferencing
Computer-based telephone call conferencing
Computer-communications concentrator for transmission and switch
Computer-implemented voice markup language-based server
Computerized method for allocating access across a shared...
Computing a diverse path while providing optimal usage of...
Computing inter-autonomous system MPLS traffic engineering...
Computing path information to a destination node in a data...
Computing point-to-multipoint paths
Computing system and method to select data packet
Computing the widest shortest path in high-speed networks
Concatenated transmission of synchronous data
Concatenated transmission of synchronous data
Concatenation detection across multiple chips
Concatenation of containers in synchronous digital hierarchy...
Concentrated subscriber wireless remote telemetry system
Concentrating transmultiplexer for cable telephony
Concentrator and reset control method therefor