UART with direct memory access buffering of data and method...
UDP to TCP bridge
Ultra high speed crosstalk cancelling technique
Ultra wide band communication network
Ultra wide band wireless medium access control method and a...
Ultra-wide bandwidth system and method for in-premises...
Ultra-wideband (UWB) transparent bridge
Ultra-wideband communication protocol
Ultra-wideband communication systems and methods
Ultrafast time hopping CDMA and TDMA RF and optical communicatio
Ultrafast time hopping CDMA-RF communications: code-as-carrier,
UMTS base station supporting multiple transmission methods
UMTS call handling methods and apparatus
UMTS RIL extension
UMTS telecommunications system for enabling a mobile station...
Unbiased token bucket
Unbiased token bucket
Uncoordinated frequency hopping cellular system
Uncovering the differences in backbone networks
Unequal error protection for packet switched networks