Echo canceller for bidirectional transmission on two-wire subscr
Echo canceller for two-wire full duplex digital data transmissio
Echo canceller having FIR and IIR filters for cancelling long ta
Echo canceller processing techniques and processing
Echo canceller system suitable for a 2B1Q transmission code
Echo canceller using delta modulation
Echo canceller using two residual echoes
Echo canceller with means for determining filter coefficients fr
Echo cancelling device capable of coping with deterioration of a
Echo cancelling device for data transmission over two-wire lines
Echo cancelling device providing adjustment of the echo cancelle
Echo cancelling device with frequency sub-band filtering
Echo cancelling device with phase-roll correction
Echo cancelling method and apparatus using fast projection schem
Echo path transition detection
Echo reduction circuit
Echo suppression arrangement for an adaptive speakerphone
Echo suppressor with adaptive digital filter for transmission sy
Economical payload stream routing in a multiple-ring network
Efficient arbitration within point-to-point ringlet-based comput