M&A for dynamically generating and maintaining frame based polli
Magnetic parallel-to-serial converter for gas turbine engine par
Maintaining database integrity throughout a communication networ
Maintaining frame sequence in a multiprocessor network device
Maintenance communication control system in an ISDN service
Maintenance method and apparatus for providing a high-integrity,
Maintenance of message distribution trees in a communications ne
Maintenance of stored program controlled switching systems
Maintenance signal transmission system
Maintenance system for subscriber terminal management data in a
Malfunction-detecting equipment for real-time supervision of cen
Management of ATM virtual circuits with resources reservation pr
Management system capable of quickly assigning a terminal endpoi
Management system for partitioned multi-bandwidth communications
Management unit for a unit for switching data transmitted by asy
Managing bandwidth over a computer network having a management c
Manhattan street network with loop architecture
Manifold multiplexers
Many to few group address translation through a network bridge
Master clock generator for telecommunications system