Adaptive method of floor control with fast response time and...
Apparatus and method for arbitrating among equal priority...
Apparatus and method for limiting data bursts in ATM switch...
Apparatus and method for pre-arbitrating use of a...
Arbiter for a serial bus system
Arbiter for multiple mutually exclusive vectors
Arbitration mechanism for statistically multiplexed frame...
Arbitration mechanism for statistically multiplexed frame...
Arbitration ring with automatic sizing for a partially populated
Area efficient implementation of the consecutive access counter
Asynchronous crossbar with deterministic or arbitrated control
Asynchronous crossbar with deterministic or arbitrated control
Asynchronous crossbar with deterministic or arbitrated control
Bus management method
Bus protocol using separate clocks for arbitration and data tran
Collision avoidance in multiple protocol communication...
Communication bus system and station for use in such system
Communication controllers and methods therefor
Communication system and method for media access control
Communications network control method