Modified magnesium based hydrogen storage alloys
Modified sintered RE-Fe-B-type, rare earth permanent magnets...
Mold of precipitation hardenable copper alloy for continuous cas
Molded product of amorphous metal and manufacturing method...
Molds for plastic prototyping and isothermal forging of aluminum
Molybdenum-iron thermal sprayable alloy powders
Molybdenum-rhenium alloy
Monocrystalline alloy with a nickel base matrix
Monocrystalline alloy with a nickel matrix basis
Monocrystalline nickel-base superalloy with Ti, Ta, and Hf carbi
MOS field-effect transistor structure with mesa-like contact and
MOS-capacitor for integrated circuits
Multi-phase steel sheet excellent in hole expandability and...
Multi-strand coil spring
Multichannel junction field-effect transistor and process
Multicomponent, low density cubic L1.sub.2 aluminides
Multielement interstitial hard magnetic material and process...
Multiphase microalloyed steel and method thereof
Multiphase thermoelectric alloys and method of making same
Multiple P-N junction formation with an alloy droplet