Carry ripple adder
Carry save adders
Carry select adder using two level selectors
Carry skip adder
Carry skip adder
Carry-save multiplier/accumulator system and method
Carry-select adder structure and method to generate...
Channel coupling for an AC-3 encoder
Check digit method and system for detection of transposition...
Checking of a bit flow
Checking of the skew constancy of a bit flow
Checking the integrity of programs or the sequencing of a...
Chinese abacus adder
Circuit and design structure for a streaming digital data...
Circuit and method employing an adder for sign extending operand
Circuit and method for computing a fast fourier transform
Circuit and method for computing a fast fourier transform
Circuit and method for decompressing compressed elliptic...
Circuit and method for determining greater than or equal to...
Circuit and method for determining overflow in signed division