Method for controlling software modules
Method for coordinating information flow between components
Method for correlating processor usage to customer billing...
Method for determining idle processor load balancing in a...
Method for dynamic loaning in rate monotonic real-time systems
Method for effecting a software service in a system of a...
Method for effective utilizing of shared resources in...
Method for eliminating or reducing hang conditions in...
Method for enhancing efficiency in mutual exclusion
Method for equitable resource sharing between local and...
Method for estimating cost when placing operations within a...
Method for estimating cost when placing operations within a...
Method for flow scheduling
Method for general resource exit negotiation
Method for generating policy rules and method for...
Method for implementing a multi-level system model for...
Method for implementing a variable-partitioned queue for...
Method for implementing event transfer system of real time...
Method for load balancing a line of parallel processing...
Method for load balancing a line of parallel processing...